Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

It seems that a new diet program is brought to the market every other day, making consumers’ choices almost mind-boggling. These programs can range from fast detox programs that only last a few weeks to long term lifestyle changes. If you are looking to choose one of these popular new diets, it is best to know just what is involved and how they work before making a decision about which to use. No matter which you select, remember to consult with your doctor or other medical professional before beginning any diet programs.

Detox Diets

Often see on talk shows and in magazines, detox diet plans seem to be all the rage. These short term diet and fat loss programs can be very strict, but promise fast results. Detox diets help to cleanse the body and rid your digestive system of toxins. One of the extra side effects of a detox plan is fast weight loss due to reduced food consumption. While these plans can be effective for short term, rapid weight loss, you should not keep on using these programs longer than recommended.

Low Carb Diets

One of the biggest diet and weight loss trends in recent years is the use of low carb diets for quick results. These diets promote eating smaller amounts of carbohydrates, which will cause your body to burn fat instead of relying on carbs for energy. These plans are generally effective and often recommended by doctors, however close monitoring by a physician is recommended when using these plans. Fast fat loss is usually attained initially, however those who try to return to a normal eating plan can gain back as fast as they lost.

Vegetarian Diets

For hundreds of years, different cultures have used vegetarian diets for many reasons. These diet and weight loss plans can be helpful and relatively safe, if those who choose a vegetarian lifestyle are careful in their menu planning. Should you choose one of these diet plans, remember to find plenty of source of protein to fuel your body properly. This should include both complete and incomplete proteins, such as beans, soy, and nuts in order to stay healthy. Though you can lose weight on these diets, more often they are a social or political lifestyle choice.

Balanced Diets

The safest diet and weight loss programs are those who endorse balanced diets. Balanced diets, together with a regular workout program are the doctor recommended way to burn fat safely. These diets should be made up of plenty of vegetable and fruit components, lean protein sources and whole grains and fibers. You can follow the Food Pyramid or get sample menu plans from a dietician or doctor. Losing weight with a balanced diet can be a slow process, but if you stick to the plan, it’s the most healthful way to eat long term.

Selecting a weight loss diet plan can be hard, but with research and education you can find a plan that will work for you. Your best bet is to discuss your weight issues with your doctor and get his or her opinion. Together you can decide which popular diet plan is the right one for you.

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For more information about the best fat burning diet plan and an updated version about easy ways to lose weight fast check out fat loss 4 idiots program.

Do easy ways to lose weight exist?  It’s common knowledge that diet, cutting down on caloric intake, and exercise, increasing calories burned, combine into a formula for losing weight.  But the hard part is sticking to a low calorie, and often bland, diet.  It won’t be 100% simple, but with a little work it sure is possible.  Here are some tips to make it easier.

Carry a notebook to jot down everything that passes your lips.  Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, helps you eat less.  Studies show that people who keep track of what they eat end up eating 15% less.  15% is a lot.

On average Americans consume 245 calories a day from drinks.  Switch from juice, soda, and other calorie drinks to water.  245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories a year.  That’s 25 pounds.  Are soda and juice really that good?  Another fact is that despite their calories, drinks like soda and juice don’t trigger a feeling of fullness the way foods do.

Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day.  Eating more meals with smaller portions results in eating 30% fewer calories.  Furthermore, even the same number of calories eaten in smaller portions during more frequent meals can result in weight loss.  You’re less likely to binge because the body releases less insulin.

Make sure your wardrobe only includes the “skinny” clothes.  If you don’t have clothes that are comfortable when you’re heavier, you’re more likely to be reminded to keep slim every time you dress.  And you’re less likely to gain weight if doing so means having to purchase a whole new wardrobe.

Switch to smaller plates.  It’s proven that people eat what’s in front of them.  Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates.

Try serving meals on the plate, restaurant style, rather than in bowls and on trays.  When the plate is empty the meal is over, instead of spooning another portion onto your plate.

Avoid white foods such as white bread, sugar, and white rice.  Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain.  Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice.  Don’t be concerned with the sugar, pretty soon you won’t miss it.

There are a lot of other tips for easy ways to lose weight.  Don’t be intimidated if it’s only easier instead of really easy.  If weight loss were easy, everyone would be a supermodel.

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It is the dream of many people all around the world to be able to lose weight fast. The exciting thing is that with the breakthrough new dieting ideas found in The Day Off Diet these dreams no longer have to be just dreams. You will Lose Weight Fast by following The Day Off Diet online diet plan.

What makes this online diet program so effective? It’s not just one factor, it’s many different factors working together for the greatest possible success. The most obvious (although not necessarily the most important) factor is the inclusion of a weekly “day off.” You may be asking yourself: “How can taking a day of from dieting make me lose weight faster?” The answer is that the “calorie spike” of taking a “day off” boosts your metabolism so that you burn fat faster.

This is a huge breakthrough in dieting because not only do you boost your metabolism by taking a day off, it also has a lot of psychological advantages which help you to stick with this diet until you reach your goal weight. With most diets people build up uncontrolable cravings because they are never allowed to eat certain high calorie foods (some examples are chocolate ice cream, chocolate candy, pie, & chocolate cake.) These cravings will eventually knock them off course with their weight loss. With this online diet there’s no problem like this because you (or anyone else on this diet plan) will be able to satisfy their cravings on a regular basis.

Like I said previously, this weekly “day off” is just one reason why this online diet plan is so incredibly effective. There’s also the “Green Light Food” system which helps to force the body to burn fat (by “turning off the fat storing gene.”)

This “Green Light Food” system is not only effective because it helps your body to burn fat faster. It’s also effective because it’s so incredibly simple to follow. There’s no calorie counting, no fat counting, and no food diaries to keep. I think that any diet that includes these sorts of “counting” systems is absolutely doomed to failure because no one can keep that up over the long term. And counting your calories and keeping track of exactly what you eat actually just makes you focus more on food. That’s exactly what you don’t want.

It’s the combination of the “day off” with the “green light” foods which creates the synergy which makes it easy for people to lose weight fast. And the great thing is you can download it online instantly. There’s absolutely no reason to wait. You can start this diet program right now! There’s no risk in trying this diet program because it’s backed with a 60 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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