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For more information about the best fat burning diet plan and an updated version about easy ways to lose weight fast check out fat loss 4 idiots program.

Do easy ways to lose weight exist?  It’s common knowledge that diet, cutting down on caloric intake, and exercise, increasing calories burned, combine into a formula for losing weight.  But the hard part is sticking to a low calorie, and often bland, diet.  It won’t be 100% simple, but with a little work it sure is possible.  Here are some tips to make it easier.

Carry a notebook to jot down everything that passes your lips.  Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, helps you eat less.  Studies show that people who keep track of what they eat end up eating 15% less.  15% is a lot.

On average Americans consume 245 calories a day from drinks.  Switch from juice, soda, and other calorie drinks to water.  245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories a year.  That’s 25 pounds.  Are soda and juice really that good?  Another fact is that despite their calories, drinks like soda and juice don’t trigger a feeling of fullness the way foods do.

Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day.  Eating more meals with smaller portions results in eating 30% fewer calories.  Furthermore, even the same number of calories eaten in smaller portions during more frequent meals can result in weight loss.  You’re less likely to binge because the body releases less insulin.

Make sure your wardrobe only includes the “skinny” clothes.  If you don’t have clothes that are comfortable when you’re heavier, you’re more likely to be reminded to keep slim every time you dress.  And you’re less likely to gain weight if doing so means having to purchase a whole new wardrobe.

Switch to smaller plates.  It’s proven that people eat what’s in front of them.  Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates.

Try serving meals on the plate, restaurant style, rather than in bowls and on trays.  When the plate is empty the meal is over, instead of spooning another portion onto your plate.

Avoid white foods such as white bread, sugar, and white rice.  Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain.  Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice.  Don’t be concerned with the sugar, pretty soon you won’t miss it.

There are a lot of other tips for easy ways to lose weight.  Don’t be intimidated if it’s only easier instead of really easy.  If weight loss were easy, everyone would be a supermodel.

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