Posts Tagged ‘dieting’


Fun Weight Loss Tips – Treat Yourself Today

   Posted by: Lita    in Weight Loss

Take a mini vacation from the list of “Yes I Can” and “No I Can’t” with some fun weight loss tips.

Perhaps we need a break from thinking about all that we can eat and all that we will not eat today.  Let’s take a mini vacation to enhance our moods and elevate our spirits with any one of these 10 fun weight loss tips:

  1. Music:  Your world becomes happier while your step is just a little lighter when you can sing or hum along to your favorite tune. A variety of problems including depression, high blood pressure, asthma, migraines, ulcers and a range of physical disabilities are currently treated with music.  Turn up the dial!
  2. Laughter: It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine”.  Take this medicine in heavy doses every single day.  Don’t wait until you need a pick me up.  Experts say that laughter can relax your body and reduce problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, ulcers and even arthritis. Find a friend to laugh with about your diet dos and don’ts.
  3. Massage: Oh yes, please! Diet or no diet a massage is wonderful anytime.  Indulge yourself and try hot stone massage therapy.  You’ll find yourself with a big smile on your face ready to face the world and whatever foods come your way.
  4. Exercise: Forget about what you “should” do today.  Go out and do what you feel like doing.  Do you feel like dancing? Put on the music at home and just dance.  Just make it fun and watch how much easier your dieting day becomes.
  5. Sauna: Drop in to your local swimming pool for a wonderful cleansing sauna.  Warm your bones and soul, clean out your pores and go forth into the day feeling lighter and refreshed.  You’ll look forward to refilling your body with healthy hydrating liquids.
  6. Retail: You don’t have to spend thousands.  Maybe it’s just indulging in a magazine or a new book to read.  Take a walk around Chapters, enjoy the books and invest in your favorite magazine.  Take a stroll through a dollar store and blow $10.  You’ll feel good taking this break.  Sometimes the simple things feel like a mini vacation.
  7. Friends:  Just call up a friend.  Chat on the phone. Meet up in your favorite coffee shop for a cup of herbal tea.  Sharing your journey and life’s interesting ups and downs with a friend can be the best escape from the routines of every day life.  You’ll look forward to arriving home and preparing a healthy meal.  Having a buddy to share your fun weight loss tips makes your journey more enjoyable.
  8. Random Acts of Kindness:  Have you ever done something nice for a stranger? One of the best ways to take your mind off of your everyday meal plans and chores that you don’t feel like doing is to do something nice for someone else.  Afterward, your meal selections and chores will seem simple. Be careful,  this could become a habit!
  9. Sports: Have you been to your community arena to watch your local hockey team? This is an inexpensive, fun outing.  A great way to support your community and to take yourself out of the kitchen.
  10. Nature:  When is the last time you walked along the ocean or the river or through the forest along your favorite trail?  Nature has a way of helping us along the road to health and happiness.

Treat yourself today with these fun weight loss tips and any other way you can think of to just simply enjoy yourself.  You deserve it!


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It is the dream of many people all around the world to be able to lose weight fast. The exciting thing is that with the breakthrough new dieting ideas found in The Day Off Diet these dreams no longer have to be just dreams. You will Lose Weight Fast by following The Day Off Diet online diet plan.

What makes this online diet program so effective? It’s not just one factor, it’s many different factors working together for the greatest possible success. The most obvious (although not necessarily the most important) factor is the inclusion of a weekly “day off.” You may be asking yourself: “How can taking a day of from dieting make me lose weight faster?” The answer is that the “calorie spike” of taking a “day off” boosts your metabolism so that you burn fat faster.

This is a huge breakthrough in dieting because not only do you boost your metabolism by taking a day off, it also has a lot of psychological advantages which help you to stick with this diet until you reach your goal weight. With most diets people build up uncontrolable cravings because they are never allowed to eat certain high calorie foods (some examples are chocolate ice cream, chocolate candy, pie, & chocolate cake.) These cravings will eventually knock them off course with their weight loss. With this online diet there’s no problem like this because you (or anyone else on this diet plan) will be able to satisfy their cravings on a regular basis.

Like I said previously, this weekly “day off” is just one reason why this online diet plan is so incredibly effective. There’s also the “Green Light Food” system which helps to force the body to burn fat (by “turning off the fat storing gene.”)

This “Green Light Food” system is not only effective because it helps your body to burn fat faster. It’s also effective because it’s so incredibly simple to follow. There’s no calorie counting, no fat counting, and no food diaries to keep. I think that any diet that includes these sorts of “counting” systems is absolutely doomed to failure because no one can keep that up over the long term. And counting your calories and keeping track of exactly what you eat actually just makes you focus more on food. That’s exactly what you don’t want.

It’s the combination of the “day off” with the “green light” foods which creates the synergy which makes it easy for people to lose weight fast. And the great thing is you can download it online instantly. There’s absolutely no reason to wait. You can start this diet program right now! There’s no risk in trying this diet program because it’s backed with a 60 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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Recently there have been numerous online diet generating websites coming online.Is there a use to these weight loss websites?This is exactly the question we want to find the answer to.In this short article we’ll talk about exactly what an online diet generator does, if they’re difficult to follow, and what type of results you should be looking to have while following one.

Online Diet Generators How do they work?

The two popular types of online diet generators either help you follow a popular offline diet such as the Mediterranean diet, or they create a custom meal plan for you based on your input of foods you like to eat.

An example of the first type is the website which offers several online diet plans that follow popular offline diets such as Slim Fast and Atkins.Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a good example of an online diet generator that will create a customized diet for you based on your food selections. You can read our detailed fat loss 4 idiots review here..

How Tough are Online Diets to Follow?

A key benefit to an online diet is that the facts, figures, and information you need is all available in just a few clicks of the mouse on the Internet. Simply login to the website and check what you should be eating or to grab a recipe for dinner.

For those that are computer savvy using an online diet generator is the easiest way to lose belly fat.One tip, don’t get weighted down in the details because there is a lot of information available, be sure you take action.

What type of Results are Expected?

The differences between offline and online diets end when we talk about expected results. You can achieve similar results on either type of plan but you need focus and discipline to make that happen. The results you can expect to get are directly related to how closely you follow the program.

If you decide to be lax, or have a difficult time eating exactly as you’re supposed to then you will struggle not just with an online diet generator but any diet you try to follow. There is no substitute for discipline when it comes to weight loss.

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