Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

Langley SureSlim Consultants

Langley SureSlim Consultants

Weight loss and fish can be best friends.  Unfortunately, fish is rarely on the dinner plates at most tables.  What is served most often is found advertised on tv, whatever tastes good or is offered in fast food restaurants.  Many will simply eat sweet or junk foods to feed their emotions, without considering the health implications.

Why do weight loss and fish benefit your overall health? Living overweight and subsisting on the standard North American diet is not a prescription for good health.  When your diet routinely includes processed, packaged foods that contain artificial ingredients, artificial flavorings, sweeteners, heavily processed oils and fats, fried foods, red meats and chemical preservatives it’s only a matter of time before your body will be delivering you to the Doctor’s office.  So many folks are not preparing meals from scratch with wholesome ingredients.  Is it any wonder we are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight?

Consider weight loss and fish in your meal plans.  Fish is a wonderful addition to any healthful diet due to its low saturated fat content which makes it the perfect protein substitute for fatty cuts of beef and pork.

Here are three reasons why weight loss and fish will benefit your overall health:

  1. Protect Your Heart: Potential or existing heart problems are a major reason your doctor wants you to lose weight.  Weight loss and fish contribute to a healthy heart which goes hand in hand in providing you with a much healthier life. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackeral and trout are chock full of omega 3 fatty acids.  These fish should be a staple of everyone’s heart healthy diet as they will contribute to reducing or even eliminating bad cholesterol in your system. Consumption of two fish meals per week can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, sudden death and stroke.  Your chances of having coronary problems later in life can be reduced by almost 40 percent.
  2. The Protein Factor: Complete proteins are essential in any weight loss program. It’s the protein choice that’s likely to make all the difference.  A 6 oz broiled porterhouse steak carries 38 grams worth of protein.  It also delivers 44 grams of fat, 16 of which are saturated.  That’s almost ¾ of the recommended daily allowance for saturated fat.  The same amount of salmon will provide you with 34 grams of protein while delivering only 18 grams of fat with 4 of them being saturated.  Fish is clearly a superior choice for overall weight loss and good health.
  3. Enhancer for Brain and Joints:  Exercise is also part of healthy living. How can you participate in your favorite activities if you have arthritic joints or, worse, Alzheimer’s disease?  A healthy brain and body are required to enjoy many activities. Weight loss and fish to the rescue.  Omega 3 fatty acids, typically found in fish are a healthy, natural way to manage joint pain   Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to work against crippling disorders like inflamed joints and memory impairment, allowing you better body movement, coordination and quality of life.

Are you ready to lose weight and be healthy? The SureSlim program does not include gimmicks, bars, pills, injections or brand name packaged foods.  Based on your blood work, the Sureslim program is a personalized, doctor formulated weight loss program that consists of only normal grocery store foods, including fish.  If you live in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada then contact the Langley clinic for a free information session.  Follow Langley SureSlim on Twitter

Take a mini vacation from the list of “Yes I Can” and “No I Can’t” with some fun weight loss tips.

Perhaps we need a break from thinking about all that we can eat and all that we will not eat today.  Let’s take a mini vacation to enhance our moods and elevate our spirits with any one of these 10 fun weight loss tips:

  1. Music:  Your world becomes happier while your step is just a little lighter when you can sing or hum along to your favorite tune. A variety of problems including depression, high blood pressure, asthma, migraines, ulcers and a range of physical disabilities are currently treated with music.  Turn up the dial!
  2. Laughter: It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine”.  Take this medicine in heavy doses every single day.  Don’t wait until you need a pick me up.  Experts say that laughter can relax your body and reduce problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, ulcers and even arthritis. Find a friend to laugh with about your diet dos and don’ts.
  3. Massage: Oh yes, please! Diet or no diet a massage is wonderful anytime.  Indulge yourself and try hot stone massage therapy.  You’ll find yourself with a big smile on your face ready to face the world and whatever foods come your way.
  4. Exercise: Forget about what you “should” do today.  Go out and do what you feel like doing.  Do you feel like dancing? Put on the music at home and just dance.  Just make it fun and watch how much easier your dieting day becomes.
  5. Sauna: Drop in to your local swimming pool for a wonderful cleansing sauna.  Warm your bones and soul, clean out your pores and go forth into the day feeling lighter and refreshed.  You’ll look forward to refilling your body with healthy hydrating liquids.
  6. Retail: You don’t have to spend thousands.  Maybe it’s just indulging in a magazine or a new book to read.  Take a walk around Chapters, enjoy the books and invest in your favorite magazine.  Take a stroll through a dollar store and blow $10.  You’ll feel good taking this break.  Sometimes the simple things feel like a mini vacation.
  7. Friends:  Just call up a friend.  Chat on the phone. Meet up in your favorite coffee shop for a cup of herbal tea.  Sharing your journey and life’s interesting ups and downs with a friend can be the best escape from the routines of every day life.  You’ll look forward to arriving home and preparing a healthy meal.  Having a buddy to share your fun weight loss tips makes your journey more enjoyable.
  8. Random Acts of Kindness:  Have you ever done something nice for a stranger? One of the best ways to take your mind off of your everyday meal plans and chores that you don’t feel like doing is to do something nice for someone else.  Afterward, your meal selections and chores will seem simple. Be careful,  this could become a habit!
  9. Sports: Have you been to your community arena to watch your local hockey team? This is an inexpensive, fun outing.  A great way to support your community and to take yourself out of the kitchen.
  10. Nature:  When is the last time you walked along the ocean or the river or through the forest along your favorite trail?  Nature has a way of helping us along the road to health and happiness.

Treat yourself today with these fun weight loss tips and any other way you can think of to just simply enjoy yourself.  You deserve it!