Making an informed decision about any surgery requires that you feel secure in your knowledge and understanding of the procedure that you will be having, which in this case is liposuction surgery. The Tumescent Liposuction technique has been recognized as the procedure with the least amount of pain, the greatest safety, the quickest recovery time and the best results.

Liposuction is often referred to as body sculpture and is heralded as a dream come true. If you have localized areas of accumulated fat that even dieting and exercising will not remove, then it is likely an inherited trait, which until recently you were stuck with no matter what. Liposuction surgery has made tremendous strides since its inception, such as being able to perform the procedure in an outpatient surgery center rather than a hospital. A great plus for the Tumescent procedure is that most patients will be able to walk out of the center or doctors office within 30 minutes after the procedure and should be able to go back to work within a day or two.

It is also interesting to note that for both women and men this is a very popular choice. In women, the most commonly treated areas for liposuction procedures are the abdomen, thighs, knees, hips, calves and ankles. Chin liposuction has also become popular. For men, the most commonly treated areas are “love handles,” the abdomen, breast and the chin, as well as neck liposuction.

The body fat of an adult usually increases gradually over the years and normally after the age of 30 much of the fat is the result of a genetically predetermined pattern. Unfortunately, this fat distribution tends to be resistant to exercising and dieting. For many individuals who have inherited this trait a liposuction procedure is the only realistic means of changing their body.

Fat cells that are removed during liposuction do not grow back. As long as you do not gain an excessive amount of weight, the results are permanent. If there is one complaint that most patients have in common, then it is the fact that due to post surgical swelling the ultimate results normally require 12 to 16 weeks to become completely apparent.

One factor that makes the Tumescent liposuction technique so popular is that it is performed completely under local anesthesia rather than a general anesthesia used during most surgeries. This eliminates the need for dangerous drugs and there is no nausea that can happen when using general anesthesia.

As with any surgical procedure, liposuction surgery is associated with some common side-effects, such as bruising, temporary numbness and swelling. And while some irregularities of the skin are possible after liposuction, this side-effect is minimized, along with other side-effects like infections, bleeding and nerve injury by using the Tumescent technique. Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of this procedure is the minimal downtime involved, which those individuals with busy lifestyles really appreciate.

Liposuction recovery, after using general anesthesia, must be done in a recovery room until the doctor is satisfied that things such as blood loss, nausea and vomiting are under control. However, after having Tumescent liposuction, where local anesthesia was used there is little to no nausea and virtually no blood loss. At times a patient undergoing the Tumescent technique may be on the surgical table longer as it takes a while to inject the local anesthesia, however with the quicker recovery period it works out to roughly the same amount of time spent.

Liposuction can be the answer for many people that are suffering from excess weight that will not come off with diet and exercise. No matter how much you try to lose those pockets of cellulite through diet and exercise they just seem to never disappear. Before you go under the knife by a cosmetic surgeon you can check out other methods to get rid of that cellulite or at least reduce how it looks. You can be the shape you want without the surgery. All you have to do is begin your search by clicking here:Chin Liposuction and at Park City Liposuction

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