Posts Tagged ‘weight loss surgery’

Liposuction is commonly referred to as liposculpture, suction lipectomy (“suction-assisted fat removal”) or lipoplasty (“fat modeling”) and is a form of body contouring. To put it another way fat is removed from various parts of the body to help achieve a desired shape. Liposuction has been around since the 1960’s however it is only since the 1990’s that it has become increasingly popular|so incredibly popular. Before then the procedures utilized were less successful, and the results were mixed. It was in the 1990’s that ultrasound was introduced into the liposuction technique, which made it far less difficult to remove larger amounts of fat. This was achieved by first liquefying the fat.

It’s not uniquely women who seek the help of liposuction surgeons but men also. 20 years ago this was rarely, if ever, heard of, but in today’s society men are commonly having the very same beauty procedures as women. Men often wish to have specific areas of the body sculptured, for example, male breasts, abdomen and flanks, women usually wish to treat such such parts of the body as the thighs, abdomen and hips. Whatever place one chooses to have contoured it would be wise to be mindful that all cosmetic surgery has a few risks. Sadly there are negative aspects to having liposuction, if an extremely large amount of fat is removed, the area can sometimes be lumpy, or appear to have rifts in the skin.

One important aspect of liposuction, which must not be overlooked, is that it should never be used as an alternative to diet and exercise. There are large number of contraindications to liposuction and being dangerously overweight is one of them. An aesthetic surgeon will frequently refuse to operate on anybody who is morbidly or severely obese. This is not an act of discrimination, but justa medical decision based on proven facts. People who suffer from obesity are nearly always very unfit and generally not in good health, both of which cancels out one’s eligibility for the procedure. There are also risks with anesthesia if a person is overweight. The best candidates for liposuction are those folk who are in generally good shape and healthy, and who do not smoke tobacco.

Liposuction is performed either; using general anesthesia, local anesthesia with sedation, or local anesthesia, local anesthesia. At the start of the procedure the surgeon will make very small cuts in the skin at the areas where the offending fat is to be removed. Generally the fat is removed via a cannula and aspirator (a hollow tube and a suction device) During the surgery, several points are considered that can the amount of fat that can safely be removed. The safety issues are not only relate to the amount of fat extracted, but also to the total health of the person, and the choice of anesthesia used.

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