Posts Tagged ‘Menopause’

It’s no wonder women turn to menopause self help.  The last gynecologist I visited threw his hands in the air and told me that bioidentical hormones are a “myth”.  All I did was ask if he prescribed them because I was at my wits end with what seemed to be a menopause problem.  My own Doctor told me she doesn’t prescribe bioidentical hormones but she would fill a prescription if I brought one from a Naturopath.   She said there is no long term research and therefore doesn’t recommend them but I got the feeling she really just wasn’t interested in learning about them.   After much frustration with the medical system and reading books and researching, I tried my own menopause self help.  Menopause self help is really just good common sense recommendations. 

The top 10 menopause self help tips:

  1. Aim for raw foods for 50% of your diet and consume a protein supplement which will help stabilize your blood sugar.  Add blackstrap molasses to your diet together with soybean products, broccoli, salmon with bones, sardines (not my favorite!) and white fish.  Even dandelion greens and kelp if you are feeling brave.
  2. Phytoestrogens also play a role in menopause self help.  Eat the following foods high in these: soybeans, flaxseeds, nuts, whole grains, apples, fennel, celery, parsley and alfalfa.  Relief from hot flashes may come from soy and soy isoflavones.  Women in Asian cultures rarely experience hot flashes and this may be due to a high intake of phytoestrogens.
  3. Don’t consume animal products other than the fish as listed.  Avoid dairy products.  Limit yourself to small amounts of low-fat yogurt or buttermilk.  Dairy and meat products may promote hot flashes.
  4. We love our wine and coffee but try to avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, spicy foods, hot soups and drinks as they may trigger hot flashes while aggravating urinary incontinence not to mention making mood swings worse.  These also make the blood more acidic which in turn prompts the bones to release calcium that will act as a buffering agent.  We want to avoid bone loss during the menopause years.
  5. Menopause self help would not be complete without regular moderate exercise.
  6. Easier said than done at times but avoid stress as much as you can.
  7. Use Mrs. Dash or garlic or onion powder in place of salt when cooking.  An increase of urinary excretion of calcium results with salt consumption.
  8. We want to keep our skin hydrated and prevent drying of mucous membranes so drink 2 quarts of good quality water every day.
  9. For annoying, embarrassing itching in your vaginal area try vitamin E cream that has no added fragrance or you can open a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil.
  10. Also use vitamin E oil or aloe vera gel to lubricate your vagina if sexual intercourse is painful.  The good news is frequent sexual intercourse can help relieve vaginal dryness.

Whether or not you are on hormone replacement therapy, you will feel better while following the above menopause self help guidelines.

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Hot Flashes Relief – Chill Out

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Menopause

Hot flashes are considered to be the hallmark of Menopause. They are the most common Perimenopausal symptoms in our culture, occurring in about 70 to 85 percent of all western perimenopausal women. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, often beginning with a sudden sensation of warmth that radiates over the face, scalp and chest which can then become intense heat. The hot flash is usually followed by a flush consisting of redness, perspiration, increased heart rate and/or nausea and then finally by a feeling of being chilled.  Hot flashes relief is most welcome after such a session.

Hot flashes are triggered by the erratic changes in the levels of estrogen and   progesterone during Perimenopause. Both estrogen and progesterone have a direct effect on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for controlling appetite, sleep cycles, sex hormones and body temperature.  The changing levels of estrogen and progesterone trigger a brief but sudden downward adjustment in the body’s internal temperature setting. The body manifests this release of excess heat as a hot flash which often starts just before a menstrual period and becomes most frequent and severe once the periods actually stop. Natural hot flashes relief occurs with time, usually by disappearing a year or two after menopause.

We don’t fully understand the exact mechanism that triggers hot flashes.   Fluctuating hormones, lifestyle and medications all influence their intensity and frequency. The incidence is less common in non-western countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, Pakistan and Mexico. In Japan, 10% or less of menopausal women experience hot flashes due to their high-fibre, low-fat and high dietary intake of soy products. 

The medical profession often approaches menopause as an illness to be treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) instead of a natural process in which diet and lifestyle changes may reduce symptoms.

For hot flashes relief consume foods that are high in phytoestrogens containing soy such as  tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk and whole soybeans which are plant hormones with weak estrogen like effects.  Other foods specifically indicated for hot flashes relief include flaxseed and high-lignin flaxseed oil, fennel, celery and parsley.  Both flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in lignins which help normalize estrogen levels.  Fennel, celery, parsley and all legumes are excellent sources of phytoestrogens.  Conversely, eating a high-fat, low-fibre diet increases symptoms. Foods high in sugars, refined carbohydrates, caffeine containing beverages, spicy foods, and alcohol all trigger hot flashes.

Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. You can walk or jog or take an aerobics class.  Exercise increases the release of opiates.  While exercising is essential, it is also beneficial to avoid exercise within three hours of going to bed as this will help prevent night sweats.

Take 400-800 IU of Vitamin E daily which significantly reduces the occurrence and frequency of hot flashes. Also Vitamin E strengthens the immune system and protects the heart.

Black cohosh (20-60 mg three times daily) can provide effective relief for symptoms of menopause headache, heart palpitations and anxiety.  Hot flashes relief occurs within 8 weeks of starting therapy.

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Menopausal Mood Swings – Not A Picnic In The Park

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Menopause

You are at home cooking dinner, setting the table and doing one hundred and one tasks so that after dinner you can drive your teenage kids to their various activities. Your husband arrives home in a cheerful mood, says hi to the kids but forgets to talk to you!!! That’s it – you fly into a rage. In your mind’s eye you see yourself raising the cooking utensil you’ve been using and you think that if you throw this utensil you can hit your target right between the eyes – or better yet – what if you aim for his crotch?

After dinner, when you’ve calmed down, you sit down in front of the TV to relax before you, the taxi-driver mom, have to drive away for the evening. On the couch you snuggle in beside your husband all lovey-dovey and you think what a wonderful guy you have.  As you watch some no-brainer comedy and you glance at your aging dog you start to cry and suddenly the crying turns into uncontrollable sobbing.

Although this is a fictitious scenario, this woman is experiencing menopausal mood swings. If you are experiencing a similar emotional roller coaster ride and you are in your 40’s then you are probably entering into a new phase of your life-menopause.  For some women these menopausal mood swings can be devastating not only to themselves but also to their family and loved ones.

Menopausal mood swings can be significantly reduced by improving your lifestyle.  A weekly regimen of exercise, specifically yoga and meditation, has been proven to relieve mood swings.  Do not take this for granted.  You must be kind to yourself and do the necessary things for yourself that will ensure that you remain happy and healthy.   If you are simply running about the day looking after everyone else, as most women tend to do, then you will surely suffer the feelings of rage that come with menopausal mood swings.  Your husband and children will not understand your behavior and you will end up with unnecessary feelings of guilt and depression as part of the whole cycle that could have been avoided.  Equally important is to have a support group, either loved ones or friends that can help you navigate through this time while having a positive effect on your overall well-being.  Stick to a good diet, eat wholesome foods and avoid caffeine loaded drinks which will exacerbate your symptoms.

If you feel you are stressed out and losing control, take a break, make a cup of herbal tea with chamomile and passionflower.  These herbs are calming and may help you get back into control where you will feel better about yourself.   Slow down, enjoy your tea, do a few yoga stretches and enjoy your family.  If a cup of tea isn’t sufficient then you may want to consider St. John’s Wort and Chasteberry which help some women with menopausal mood swings or a depressed mood. 

Women with a history of depression or other mental disorders may find that menopause can lead them into serious depression or other psychological conditions.  If your emotional symptoms are severe, see your physician and request that he/she do a careful evaluation or send you for a psychological or psychiatric consultation to differentiate menopausal mood swings from those due to a psychological condition. This will enable the best and most effective therapy to be selected.

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