Posts Tagged ‘Major Depression’

Everyone gets depressed from time to time.  And considering the very frightening times we’re living in, it’s no wonder that more and more people are feeling increased anxiety and what can be called depression.  Of course losing your job and facing home foreclosure or just wondering if it’s going to happen to you next can make anyone depressed!Have a combination of feelings of anxiousness and being afraid really cannot be called Major Depression as there is usually more to this than those two emotions.

Depression is a condition caused when the brain does not properly regulate the production of certain chemicals that are necessary for a good or healthy mood.  Outside factors can influence how the brain releases and regulates these chemicals, but in major depression these chemicals are very rarely released and are not released in adequate amounts.

Symptoms of Major Depression

There are many different types of depression, from postpartum depression which of course occurs after a woman has had a baby, as well as bipolar disorder which is marked by wild mood swings of euphoria to near suicidal thoughts, and many other types in between.Being a very severe form of Depression, Major Depression is usually found is someone with extremely low and down moods all of the time.  A person with this condition may not necessarily be suicidal but struggles every day just with getting out of bed, and not just on the worst of Mondays but also when they even have something fun and enjoyable planned.  Patients with major depression often see no point to any activity, even hobbies they once enjoyed.A lot of times people just disengage with their lives and tend to have no feelings and almost walk around as a zombie.  Very often things they would have once taken care of now are ignored, and this might include their own personal care and hygiene.

Coping With Depression

It can be very difficult to deal with depression in any form, and the condition often brings with it other emotional distresses such as guilt, panic and anxiety.  Others in the family may also be less than supportive, thinking that the patient should just snap out of it and pull themselves together.  These things don’t make coping with major depression any easier.  It’s important to recognize the condition as a disease and not something the patient has chosen or enjoys.  On the other hands, it’s important for the patient to remember that he or she shouldn’t hide behind the disease and still needs to take care of responsibilities around the house and in the office whether or not he or she “feels like it.” 

Some form of medication is also recommended when it comes to major depression.  While many shy away from taking medication, remember that it’s important to treat this condition as the disease it is.  There are also many new options on the market today that are less harsh than choices in the past and that have far fewer side effects than before.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!

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