Posts Tagged ‘Leg Pain’

Have you ever wondered if back and leg pain are somehow connected?  It’s not an unusual concern since many people who have Back Pain notice that their legs are typically also aching and stiff, and those with leg problems find that their back is often in pain as well.As you know, its normal for back pain and leg pain to happenen seperate from one another but they could be connected.  Why is this, and what can you do about it?

The reason that back and leg pain are connected is because the back and legs are connected!Your Legs are directly connected to your back muscles so every time your legs move, your back muscles start working.  If you stretch or pull the leg muscles or cause any damage to them your back muscles are going to work overtime or in a way that they’re not meant to work in order to make up for this.  Very often you can have back and leg pain when you twist an ankle or pull a hamstring as the back is wrenched or pulled as well.  The back muscles are only meant to work so hard or in such a way to make the legs work, and when there’s a leg injury the back is forced to work in an unnatural way to make up for this.

The fact that the back and the legs work in harmony is another reason that back and leg pain are connected.  If you twist your back or pull a muscle in the lower back then your leg muscles may get twisted and pulled when you walk or move your legs at all.  Movement of just about any nature can cause both back and leg pain when you have Back Pain or have hurt your back in any way. 

The nerves of the legs are also connected to the nerves in the back, which can cause back and leg pain as well.  An injury or defect in the back can send pain shooting down the leg via the shared nerves. 

It’s also true that when we walk, the back muscles are supposed to absorb some of that shock of the legs hitting the ground.  Unfortunately we often wear shoes that are inadequate to do this especially when jogging or exercising, and this can cause back and leg pain.  That shock of hitting the pavement goes up the leg and hits the back.  Women especially who wear high heeled shoes can be guilty of this.

There are many reasons that back and leg pain are connected and while some of these reasons cannot be avoided, others can with some simple changes.Even when walking and jogging you need to take careful precautions to protect your back.  This means being careful when lifting heavy objects, making sure you exercise in a proper form, and doing whatever else is necessary. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

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