Posts Tagged ‘Depression Symptoms’


What should I look for in Depression

   Posted by: author1    in Depression, Health and Fitness

Being human means that you are going to have bad days and every now and then you are going to feel depressed.  But while these things usually go away after some time or can be addressed appropriately, it’s important to understand clinical Symptoms of Depression so that one can get proper treatment in time.  Left unchecked, severe cases of depression can lead to neglect of one’s responsibilities, family, career, personal care, and even to suicidal thoughts and tendencies.  So what are some common clinical depression symptoms that you need to consider?

First, remember that while everyone gets depressed from time to time, true clinical depression symptoms are chronic and long-lasting.  This is more than just having a bad day; true clinical depression lasts for weeks, months, and even one’s entire lifetime.  Some persons that have a form of depression may find their mood is hypersensitive to weather such as winter, but most with depression feel sad and depressed all the time.  Also, while a sad mood can be alleviated by engaging in an enjoyable hobby or even by getting a good night’s sleep, true clinical depression is constant and not so easily fixed.  A person who has little or no interest in hobbies or other activities that once made them happy should consider if these are depression symptoms.  Additionally, sadness or melancholy that is brought on by outside factors, such as a job loss or marital problems, can go away if those problems are fixed.  But with clinical depression symptoms, simply removing negative outside factors is not enough to fix the condition or alleviate the symptoms.You can seperate moderate depression from clinical depression in the fact that a person with clinical depression is going to be depressed even if everything else in their life is 100% perfect.

Other Depression Symptoms include a general lack of interest in anything, including one’s family, career, and even enjoyable activities and hobbies.  This isn’t to say that someone with depression symptoms doesn’t care about their family or is irresponsible; they simply lack the natural motivation to become involved that other people do.A lot of times you will see a lack of emotion and involvement in their work or families and friends lives.  In severe clinical depression symptoms a person may even neglect their own personal care and hygiene.  They just simply fail to find enjoyment in anything, including things that once interested them, and so they no longer feel motivated to become involved in those activities.

When any of these depression symptoms become severe or begin to interfere with a person’s everyday activities, family life, and especially with their health overall, then it’s time for medical intervention.  A doctor can recommend not only prescription drugs but also courses of therapy to help a person think more clearly.  So if you suspect that you have depression symptoms, especially if they’re severe, talk to your doctor at once.



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