Posts Tagged ‘Causes of Depression’

Today there are more and more cases of Depression in Children being reported by doctors and physicians.  Whether it’s because doctors are becoming more skilled at diagnosing the problem or if there are more cases to report, the bottom line is that any concerned parent should be concerned about the causes of depression in children in order to treat it properly.

Bullying Causes Depression in Children

Bullying has been in the news a lot lately, especially when it happens over the internet.  There have always been bullies as long as there have been humans, but for some reason today bullying has reached a point where it is no longer teasing or taking a child’s lunch money but has become downright physically dangerous.  And with the internet making it so easy for someone to bully another child in front of a large audience, it’s no wonder that it’s causing more cases of depression in children.

There are a few reasons why bullying would cause Depression in Children .Children can really have a hard time with gangs or bullies giving them a hard time on a consistent basis at school.  But on top of that children often feel helpless and trapped where they are.  An adult can take action against someone that threatens them but children often just don’t know what to do.  They may hesitate to approach their parents for fear of being reprimanded or because they’re afraid this might make the situation worse.  This feeling of helplessness and frustration can also contribute to depression in children when bullying is involved.

Stress and Expectations

Children today are under tremendous amounts of pressure.Huge swings are home and in the homelife are things that kids readily can pick up on and really can worry and become depressed about.  This puts tremendous stress on them to excel in school when it comes to academics.  Being overwhelmed can cause depression in children because they often don’t know how to handle that stress and don’t know how to put those things in perspective.  Parents too can be somewhat guilty in this regard if they have high expectations for their children either for academics or athletics.  We hear a lot about “stage parents” that push their children relentlessly to perform and excel, and this type of pushing can easily cause depression in children who then take losses and disappointments so much harder.

Treating Depression in Children

Talking to your family doctor or pediatrician is important if your child has depression.  Medication is not your only option, as a good therapist can help with coping mechanisms as well.  He or she can explain things a parent can do to be supportive of their child and things that can be said or done to help them get through this.Whether the child has loving and supportive parents is a big factor in how the child deals with the depression.


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Clinical Depression: What is it

   Posted by: author1    in Depression, Health and Fitness

Everyone gets depressed every now and again.  A friend or family member passing in death, a job loss or financial setback, or a prolonged illness can make even the strongest and most resilient person to feel upset and sad.If you want the real definition of clinical depression here is is?  How is this different from just feeling sad and blue?When is it the right time with clinical depression to go see a doctor?  There are a few things to consider about this subject.

The term Depression actually refers to an emotional disorder that is not caused by external elements such as a job loss or death in the family, but by a defect in the brain’s ability to regulate certain chemicals in the brain.Its sadness that comes from these chemicals not releasing in time or in the right amounts.  This means he or she is upset or gloomy even when they are at good events or are doing things that normally should make them happy.  It’s important to understand that clinical depression is caused by this physical defect or deformity because some people think that all they need to do is take a vacation or change some other circumstances in their life and their depression will go away.  Unfortunately this is a very simplistic approach to the problem.

Those with clinical depression usually have very little self-esteem as they are no longer concerned with or care about virtually anything, including themselves personally.  They may neglect their responsibilities around the house, at their job, and even when it comes to their own family and may even neglect their own hygiene and personal appearance.Frequent feelings of malaise and overwhelming feelings of not caring for anything in the world are very typical with clinical depression.  A person suffering from this condition just does not have much of an interest in anything and seems to be constantly thinking “what’s the point?”  This feeling often persists at all times and for years; it doesn’t let up even when faced with things they should have enjoyment in such as hobbies, friends, and even sexual activity.

Clinical Depression is often different from general sadness in that it is a very deep feeling of sadness, not just a pessimistic attitude or “blue” feeling.  It can even lead to suicidal thoughts and tendencies.  The depths of one’s feelings have a lot to do with whether or not you actually have a condition or are just going through a bad patch.

If anyone suspects that they have clinical depression, especially if they have noticed that they are neglecting their responsibilities, their family, and their own care, it’s time to see a doctor especially if this feeling has persisted for longer than a few weeks.  There are many treatment options today for those who suffer from this condition from medication to group therapy and self-help methods.  Many of these treatment methods are also covered by prescription plans as well.

DepressionKnowledge.Com is a new website that has been created for you to give you all of the best and free information on all aspects of Depression. If you go to the website today, you will get a FREE EBOOK ON DEPRESSION just for stopping by. Visit DepressionKnowledge.Com today to get your FREE EBOOK on DEPRESSION!


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