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Do you want to stop your hair loss?

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Tips to Follow for Stopping Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by many causes and there are several ways to stop it. Just choose one. If you want to stop hair loss, look for the cause and investigate other factors that can contribute to the hair loss.

The source of hair loss may be identified by one cause or several causes. Possible causes include childbirth, severe infection, high fever, major surgery, major life stress, thyroid disease, and malnutrition especially when protein is lacking from the diet, certain medications can cause hair loss such as those used for acne, arthritis, gout, and psoriasis. Hair loss can be caused by cancer treatment drugs as well as birth control pills. Individuals suffering from low serum iron can also experience hair loss.

Another form of hair loss is alopecia areata, which is when round patches of hair loss occur in children, men or women. Infections such as tinea capitus and ringworm can cause pink scaly skin and hair loss.

One tip that many individuals with hair loss follow is to improve blood circulation to the scalp. Poor blood circulation to the scalp can result from wearing tight headgear, stress, a narrowing of blood vessels (atherosclerosis), and smoking. You can increase the flow of blood to your scalp by using hydrotherapy or by using certain herbal remedies.

If you want to increase blood flow ginkgo biloba is a popular herb that can be used. Discuss herbal remedies with your doctor before taking them. Your doctor may suggest a dosage. Before taking any herbal product read all product labels. Make sure that you buy them from a trustworthy company.

Differrent cultures including those in China and ancient Rome have been using hydrotherapy for centuries. Hydrotherapy involves water to stimulate the receptors of the nervous system. The method is to use very warm water on your head for a constant 15 to 20 seconds followed by cold water for the exact same time period.

Along with the hydrotherapy you can combine the use of the herbal remedy.

Illness, stress or diet insufficiency can cause hair loss. When the condition is improved the hair loss can be stopped.

To treat androgenic alopecia such as propecia or rogaine medications can be used.

Hair transplantation can also be used to cover balding spots. The hair from healthy patches of the scalp is transplanted into the areas of the scalp where hair loss has been suffered.

The first step to stopping hair loss is to have a talk with your doctor so that you can discover the causes for your hair loss. Once the cause(s) are discovered you can then explore solutions. Many causes are temporary and can be corrected when the cause is treated.

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