Maybe you already know that there are numerous advantages to a stretching routine for your muscles. But did you know that there are actually two different kinds of stretches? These motions are commonly called static or dynamic stretches.

Dynamic stretching routines are most beneficial just before engaging in heavy cardiovascular exercise. This might include a workout at the fitness club, participating in a team sport, or taking a dance class. Dynamic stretches incorporate muscle movement into the routine. A static stretch involves holding a position for at least 10 seconds before you relax the muscle.

Each of these stretching techniques has its pros and cons. Static stretches particularly seem to cause controversy among fitness experts. Although stretching routines have been practiced for countless years, there is still some disagreement with regard to the benefits of each particular style.

Static Stretches

Static stretches are most often performed prior to an extended period of physical activity such as strength training or a cardiovascular workout. The benefits of static stretches for your muscles are impressive. Among these is improved blood flow. Better blood circulation leads to a better delivery of oxygen to your muscles and organs.

You can do the most good for your muscles by performing several kinds of stretches. These should each be targeted to a different area of your body. This includes your back, neck, legs, arms and chest muscles.

Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretches are common among professional and competition athletes. But they have benefits even if you’re not heading into an intense workout. When you’re doing this type of stretch, you need to make sure you’re moving at the same time you achieve the greatest muscle stretch you can.

When you’re doing a dynamic stretching routine, your muscles must be warmed up so they can be pushed to the maximum. Getting into high gear with cold muscles can lead to injury, strains and cramps.

So you now see that static stretches and dynamic stertches each have their strong points. The choice is yours depending on the fitness program you’ve committed to.

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