Archive for the ‘Women’s Issues’ Category

Are you irritable? Do you have mood swings? Is your husband the culprit?

Ok, I know every woman will answer a resounding YES to this.  In reality, everything and everyone can aggravate our menopause symptoms IF WE LET THEM.

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to feel better through it all is to put on your running shoes and head out the front door.  Walk off that irritability.  Get out of the house and away from the mood swings.  Take this time for yourself both physically and mentally. Even if it’s only a short walk around the block – just do it.

My running shoes have become my best friends.  They have taken me out of the house and helped me to avoid saying things that I will regret later. Me and my runners have been on extremely sad walks, incredibly angry walks, terribly lonely walks, beautifully happy walks and sometimes walks that make me so glad to be alive. 

When I get home my husband is no longer the culprit.  I’ve thought rationally about what needs to be said or whether to just let it go and move on plus I know I will sleep better and any exercise is a bonus to keeping my weight down. 

So let’s thank our husbands and our runners for keeping us moving through our menopause symptoms in a positive and healthy way.