Archive for February, 2010


Menopause Bloating – Can’t See Your Feet?

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Menopause

Menopause, a natural part of a woman’s life, occurs between the ages of 45 to 55. During this phase of a woman’s life the female reproductive system shuts down, the ovaries stop producing eggs and the body produces less estrogen and progesterone. It is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. However, many women experience a number of physical and emotional symptoms.

Menopause bloating is a common symptom that many women experience. In menopause bloating, air fills the abdomen creating a feeling of fullness and discomfort along with pain. Excessive intestinal gas and fluid retention is caused by fluctuating hormones, particularly estrogen, which is often associated with weight gain.

Estrogen affects water retention and during menopause when estrogen levels are erratic, water retention increases leading to bloating. Estrogen also influences the production of bile, a substance which keeps the intestines lubricated.   As estrogen levels decrease during menopause so does bile.  Without bile, the stools become hard and dry accumulating in the small intestine causing constipation and bloating.

Eating certain foods can also cause bloating.  This includes foods such as cauliflower and broccoli which are gas producing and can add more gas to an already bloated intestine. A diet high in protein may add to a bloated feeling because your body may not be able to digest it. Foods loaded with sugar can contribute to extra bacteria. High salt intake causes intestinal fluid retention and bloating. Calcium supplements can cause bloating in some people.

Swallowing air could be causing bloating. Some individuals swallow more air when stressed or anxious. Chewing on gum and smoking can make you inhale more air. Talking while eating is another common reason for swallowing air.

Although menopause bloating is a common occurrence and is not a serious ailment, if the bloating is persistent you should see a physician. Seek medical advice immediately if bloating occurs with a change of bowel habits, persistent diarrhea and constipation, blood in stool, fever, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may be a sign of some serious underlying medical condition.  Some medical conditions that can cause bloating include; bowel obstruction, colon and rectal cancer, diabetes, diverticulitis and liver cirrhosis.  In women it could also be due to ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids.

In treating Menopause bloating its best to start with lifestyle changes. If menopausal bloating is caused by excessive intestinal gas, start by making dietary changes. Avoid dairy products, sodium and gas- producing foods such as broccoli and beans.  Chew your food slowly and eat several small meals throughout the day. This will prevent swallowing air and improve digestion. If poor digestion is a major problem add enzyme-rich foods such as pineapple and papaya to your diet. A comprehensive digestive enzyme product is appropriate.

Add dietary foods that decrease gas and fight bloating.   These include bananas, grapes, rice, peanut butter, herbal teas and yogurt.  Add foods that promote more consistent estrogen levels such as soy, apples, alfalfa, cherries, rice and yams.

If menopausal bloating is caused by constipation then increasing fibre in the diet should relieve the bloating. An herbal fibre supplement containing several sources of dietary fibre works great. Make sure you are drinking lots of water, at least 8 cups per day.

Stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation can also help. Core exercises such as Pilates that improve the muscle tone of your abdomen also helps.

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Cold Comforts For Baby – Warm Hearts For Parents

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Cough and Cold

We never want to watch our babies suffer.  As a new parent you may feel helpless while your baby suffers through a cold. We are all familiar with the unwanted symptoms of a cold that cause us to start sneezing, get stuffed up, run a fever and suffer with a sore aching body.  When a cold attacks young babies they feel just as miserable. Your baby may have difficulty breathing because of the swelling and increased mucus inside his narrow passages, so sleeping may become difficult. Your little bundle of joy may be snuffling, irritable and may seem less energetic than usual or may even have lost his appetite. He may have a fever and his eyes may be red, teary and dull. Here are a few tips to comfort your baby and help put your mind at ease while he has a cold. 

Give your baby extra fluids which really helps. For young breastfed babies try feeding them more often. Older breastfed babies can be given clear fluids that are already part of their diet.  This may include liquids like diluted apple juice. Formula-fed babies should also be given clear fluids.

If your baby has a plugged nose he may have a difficult time trying to breastfeed. Try to keep him upright while he nurses. Also, try to instill saline nose drops into each nostril fifteen minutes before feeding and before bedtime. Then use a suction bulb to clear the nose of salt water and mucus. This may help him breathe more easily which may help him with feeding and sleeping.

He may also sleep better if you place a cool-mist humidifier in his room. Or try taking him into the bathroom with you where you can turn on the hot water in the shower then sit in the steamy room for fifteen minutes. Change your baby’s clothes after coming out of the steamy room.

Colds are quite common and do not need medical attention although you should go see your physician if the baby is experiencing any of the following:

            – Your baby’s breathing is very rapid, noisy or wheezing;

            – Your baby develops a barking cough called croup;

            – Your baby is struggling to breathe and his chest sucks in when he draws a breath;

            – Your baby’s color is pale and you notice the lips and area around the lips are blue;

            – Your baby is weak, lethargic and refuses to drink;

            – Your baby’s temperature rises above 102 degrees F/39 degrees C;

            – If the baby is under three months old or is exhibiting signs of pain.  

Do not use over the counter cold medication in babies under a year old. Using these medications in very young children can have serious or possibly life-threatening side effects.

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Milk –Meant For “Calves” Not “Humans”

   Posted by: Fernanda    in Nutrition

Cow’s milk seems to be one of mankind’s greatest dietary mistakes. The more we discover what it does to our bodies the less we have to be grateful for. For decades, cow’s milk has been promoted as the “perfect food” for humans and especially for children. Does this make sense?

The milk of every species of mammal is unique and specifically tailored to the requirements of that animal. Cow’s milk is designed, by nature, to encourage the development of a rumen in the calf’s digestive system. The rumen is much like a fermenting vat with a large population of bacteria that is required to breakdown large quantities of fiber in the cow’s diet. Cow’s milk contains several factors designed to encourage bacterial growth in the gut.

Humans, on the other hand, have an almost sterile small intestine. Human milk, specifically designed for humans, contains substances that inhibit intestinal bacterial growth.

We are exposed to milk in infancy and the long-term damage from consuming cow’s milk starts then. Exposure to milk, in fancy, contributes to intolerances, hypersensitivities and interference with absorption. The human infant is not able to digest cow’s milk and this causes damage to the bowel mucosa. Infants that consume cow’s milk have small but significant bleeding from their digestive tracts.  This bleeding contributes to iron deficiency and anemia.  Health problems such as childhood diabetes, obesity, bowel disease, colic and ear infections are all linked to the consumption of milk in infancy.

One out of every five babies suffers from colic. Pediatricians learned long ago that the consumption of cow’s milk was often the problem. We now know that breastfeeding mothers can also have a colicky baby if the mother consumes cow’s milk.

Cow’s milk is not only harmful to infants but it is also harmful to adults.  The proteins in the cow’s milk causes problems with digestion, intolerance, impaired absorption of other nutrients and autoimmune reactions. Many adults are lactose intolerant.  This is because once we are weaned off breast milk our body stops producing lactase, the enzyme that enables us to digest lactose.

Dairy products contribute a lot of cholesterol and fat to your diet. A high cholesterol and high fat diet is associated with heart disease and other health problems. Ovarian cancer is also linked to milk consumption. The sugar in milk called lactose is broken down to another sugar called galactose. This sugar affects a woman’s ovaries and increases her risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Humans are the only animals that drink another animal’s milk and to make matters worse we drink it into adulthood. Female mammals produce milk to feed and nourish their offspring. Once the infant is able to move onto solid foods and it is weaned off the mother’s milk it no longer drinks milk.

Much healthier choices for human consumption are the liquids extracted from various plants and manufactured into milk.  These may be from nuts, grains, seeds or fruits. Many of these milks have been around for thousands of years in different parts of the world.  Best known are soy, rice, almond and coconut milk.

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