Archive for the ‘General’ Category

I can’t remember just when I gave up drinking coffee.  I believe it’s been about 2 years.  I kept having the feeling of being dehydrated and I was blaming it on the coffee.  The more coffee I drank the more dry my lips became and because I hadn’t yet been introduced to Gano coffee,  I just simply replaced it with what I thought to be the best green tea for overall health benefits.  Now, I really enjoy drinking green tea, with a lovely cup of white tea thrown in every now and again. Based on the following actions and uses I’m glad that I do:

  1. Acts as an antioxidant and helps to protect against cancer
  2. Lowers cholesterol levels
  3. Reduces the clotting tendency of the blood
  4. Stimulates the immune system
  5. Fights tooth decay
  6. Helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels
  7. Combats mental fatigue
  8. May delay the onset of athero-sclerosis
  9. Good for asthma
  10. Studies show promise as a weight loss aid
  11. May help prevent enlarged prostate

Recently, while imbibing in my afternoon green tea happy hour it became obvious to me that I really don’t know much about the blends or the brands I’m buying or whether or not I’m drinking the best green tea.  Sometimes I’ll buy based on price, other times I’ll buy because it’s organic and sometimes I’ll buy because I want to try something different.  What I do know is that the differences between the types of tea results from the different methods of processing the leaves.

  • Tea leaves are steamed, rolled and dried to make green tea.  This method preserves the content of the antioxidant compounds known as polyphenols which provide us with the health benefits of tea. 
  • Black tea is brought to us from leaves undergoing a process of oxidation which reduces the polyphenols content while changing the color and taste.
  • Oolong falls between green and black tea in color, flavor and the polyphenol content.
  • White tea is imported from a specific region of China.  The leaves undergo the least processing so you get even better antioxidant activity than green tea.  White tea is very pale and produces a very delicate taste.

All green teas are from the species Camellia sinensis.  There can be quite a difference depending on the region where the leaves are grown and, of course, the processing methods.  90% of teas sold are Chinese teas which can be broken down into various regions, the best known being lung ching (dragon well).

There are other teas from Japan which are equally good.  There are two types of Japanese green teas, sencha or gyokuro.  The difference between the two being that sencha is grown in the full sun while gyokuro is shaded a few weeks before harvesting.  There are many different brands but the basic difference is that gyokuro makes a sweeter, darker green tea than sencha which has that somewhat grassy taste.  Gyokuro also costs over twice as much.  Gyokuro is the special hand made powdered tea that is used in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

There seems to be much controversy on the issue of organic vs non-organic when it come to the best green tea.  The jury is out for me on that issue but I’ll stick with organic while I continue to research.

Have you found a tasty brand that you consider to be the best green tea? Would you recommend it? I’d like to hear from you if you have an opinion on brands, blends or the organic vs non-organic issue.

Are you a person who considers themselves blessed in life? Have you been wondering how you can give back some of these blessings to those in need? Please have a look at this worthy collaborative effort that was inspired by the lovely Tara Sophia Mohr who helps all of us with wise living, and then consider how you may help with the Girl Effect campaign.   The following article has been written to support Tara’s Girl Effect campaign. “The Girl Effect” is a powerful idea: by investing in girls in the developing world, we make an incredibly effective investment in eradicating poverty, creating thriving communities and slowing the spread of AIDS.

I was lucky enough to spend 5 weeks in Portugal during the summer of 2009.  We stayed with my friend who was born and, for many years, raised in the Algarve.  We saw the inner workings of Portugal life through her family and friends.  We took a trip to a market one Sunday.  We were shopping and looking at the goods.  Many of the vendors are Gypsys.  My friend looked at a tablecloth but decided it wasn’t what she wanted.  When she indicated she wouldn’t be buying it the gypsy vendor began yelling, pointing her finger and cursing.  I couldn’t understand a word the woman was saying but my friend told me the lady was putting a curse on her.  We all laughed about it but it’s really not funny.

While we were eating at an outdoor restaurant in Olhao, a young gypsy girl who couldn’t have been more than 12 years old, came up to our table looking for a handout as she played a musical instrument for us.  There is nothing funny about this way of life.  The gypsy life is a harsh reality for young girls and women of all ages.

In a sad and disturbing documentary about Romanian Gypsies in Spain and Italy the footage follows their participation in criminal activities.  The children are sent out by their parents to beg and steal.  In other reports from Madrid, the targets were ATM machines where 2 or 3 gypsy children would aggressively try to grab the money from people at any time of the day.  As minors, they cannot be charged, only picked up, transferred to a “youth centre” and released shortly after. These children are often “supervised” by adults who take the stolen money from them.

In a report titled Four Corners, hidden cameras were used in several locations around Madrid to capture children stealing from locals and tourists.  A producer of this film tracked the children back to the slums that they call home.  He was shocked.  Gypsys often live in rat infested, filthy camps in the outskirts of big cities.  While the rest of Europe enjoys an expensive public education and welfare system, a majority of Gypsy children do not attend school. Many live in tin sheds next to rubbish dumps with no running water or official power sources.

The Four Corners report also informs us of the Gypsy practice of selling female children into marriage. Secret filming shows a 13-year-old girl’s wedding celebration underway. She has been sold for nearly $10,000.  In the first instance she is valuable because she is a virgin, but her major selling point is her ability to steal up to $600 a day. Her husband fully expects she will quickly provide him a return on his investment.  There are varied responses to the crimes. In some cases, right-wing political activists want the gypsys eliminated. Other groups want to socialize them by helping to educate children while encouraging the older Roma, as they are also called, to get jobs.

Whichever side the response comes from, so far it is evident that more needs to be done and if governments do not react in a positive way then citizens may take the law into their own hands and we know this may result in violence as well as deaths.

I don’t know what I can do to personally make a difference to gypsy children but Tara Sophia Mohr’s Girl Effect campaign has inspired me to dig deeper and to find a way to give back the many blessings I have had in life to help girls in need.


Left Handed – Show Me The Right Way

   Posted by: Lita Tags:

Is being left handed really a subject for  It’s been reported that left handed folks have shorter life spans than the folks who have no problem living in their right handed world.  An article titled “Do Right Handed People Live Longer” will hopefully clear up this misinformation.

My Mother said she was forced to become right handed in school when a teacher pinched her ear every time she used her left hand.

I was born left handed.  Did I get the frustrated left handed gene? 

I recently read a comment that left handed folks are the most discriminated people on the planet! We’ll I don’t know that I would go that far but yes, left handed life dishes out some huge challenges. 

It started for me before school.  My Mother got a left handed boy in the neighborhood to teach me how to tie my shoes.   I couldn’t grasp the right handed way of getting laced up.  Then there was cutting food on my plate with the knife and fork.  Couldn’t muster that without some help from another left handed kindred spirit. 

Once I started school I couldn’t translate certain things on the blackboard to the paper in front of me on my desk.  My check marks, p’s, b’s and d’s were all backward when I wrote them on the page.  I don’t remember any teachers speaking to me about it or correcting me.

I have always believed that I was just gimpy when it comes to slicing cheese or bread.  Never, ever, ever have I been able to slice any cheese or bread evenly.  Drives my husband crazy.  I felt absolutely vindicated when I discovered that knives are serrated for right handed people.  With a knife serrated for a left handed person – guess what – no problem.  Everything is evenly sliced.  That was a huge ahh ha moment for me but it didn’t happen until I was in my 40’s! 

I tried using a left handed can opener. I couldn’t do it.  Having grown up in a right handed world there are just some things that are ingrained.  I did eventually buy an electric can opener as I didn’t have the strength in my right hand to use the can opener properly.

I would so like to see right handed people brought up in a left handed world.  Can you imagine?  All your kitchen instruments having spouts and handles on the opposite side to make for easier pouring and gripping for the left handed person.  Your note book designed for a left handed person so there would be no struggle with writing – either with the binding rings in the middle of the book or getting ink on your hand.

There is one fun advantage in my home to being left handed.  I always know when someone has been using my computer.   It bugs my family as they can’t figure out how I know they’ve been in my office.  What they haven’t figured out is that everytime they use my computer they turn the mouse in the opposite direction to accommodate their right hand.  Viola..I know they have been using my computer!

Please share your left handed stories with me.